Greetings family, my name is David McNeill and I’m a garveyite pan-african nationalist who believes in the total liberation and unification of African people everywhere. I’m not one who believes in multiculturalism or uniting with other groups to solve external problems, before first closing boarders and dealing with internal issues first. I see no point in unifying with everyone else when we haven’t even bothered to do so with each other locally or globally. Besides, we are already the most multicultural people on the planet, the last thing we need is MORE multicultural brainwashing. We celebrate every holiday except kwanzaa, we know the heroes of every war of supposed significance except those that involved the fight for our liberation from our oppressors. We sing every song, claim every blood, hold every foreign ideology and religion except for the African ones; we love and praise every kind of people except the darkest of us; embrace all kinds and everything from everybody else but none of it has ever helped us move up from the bottom of the white man’s foot one bit. Multiculturalism is not the answer to the Black race’s problems. Dealing in fantasy has to stop somewhere and it should stop with our generation.
Ok enough of that rant. I’m here to connect with my people and form meaningful coalitions that work towards the ultimate goal of nationhood and liberation. I’m open to sharing general ideas, exchanging numbers and even supporting others who are already working on something constructive. Look forward to seeing this site grow and more warriors come into the fold. Abibfahodie!