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Chats in the Work-Childcare/Early Headstart

  • S M  Collins
    • 6 posts
    May 4, 2012 1:05 PM PDT

    S Richardson is hosting a series of chats on critical of the topics is about childcare and early headstart.  As a continued watcher and parent several things come to mind when those particular topics spur...


    * how has the face of childcare changed?


    * what alterantives are there to traditional childcare?


    * when it comes to childcare, who should bear the bill...parents, gov't, employers, private sector or a combination?


    * should childcare extend beyond centers to agencies that provide in home care such as nannies?


    * does this issue directly affect you or some you know? how are you/they handling it?


    * early headstart is program which take children in infancy and provide learning, is this a viable option, y or y not?


    * are there early headstart centers in your area? what type of care is provided?


    * is the stay at home parent the new thing? y or y not?


    * what agencies, org, or groups do YOU know of that are battling in this arena? please list and add contact info if possible.


    * can childcare become a worthy mainstream option for all?


    * are there after hour centers in your area? if not Y?


    *  what can be done to have early headstart centers added?


    * are YOU willing to push initiatives that support early headstart? if so in what way, if not Y?



    chk out CLASP-wonderful site that gives statistics and talks about the importance of headstart, screenings, wic and such.



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