Mu`ammar al-Qadhafi was a friend to the black man and woman.. everyone else is faking. know your enemy because your enemy surely knows you.
The latest age of slavery is the white
race's enslavement of the black race.
The black man will not forget this until
he has achieved rehabilitation.
This tragic and historic event, the
resulting bitter feeling, and the search
for satisfaction derived from rehabili-
tating a whole race, constitute a
psychological motivation in the move-
ment of the black race to vengeance
and domination, which cannot be disre-
garded. Added to that is the inevitabil-
ity of the social historical cycles in-
cluding the yellow race' s domination of
the world when it marched from Asia
against the rest of the continents. Then
came the role of the white race, when it
carried out a wide-ranging colonialist
movement covering all the continents
of the world. Now comes the black
race's turn to prevail.
The black race is now in a very
backward social situation. But such
backwardness helps to bring about
numerical superiority of the blacks
because their low standard of living
has protected them from getting to
know the means and ways of birth
control and family planning. Also their
backward social traditions are a
reason why there is no limit to mar-
riage, leading to their unlimited
growth, while the population of other
races has decreased because of birth
control, restrictions on marriage and
continuous occupation in work, unlike
the blacks who are sluggish in a cli-
mate which is always hot.
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